Aminet 19
Aminet 19 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 1997].iso
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| Contents of the directory util : Utilities
AppISizer.lha util/app 57K 9+AppIcon gets the size of disks...V0.78a
AppReplaceIcon.lha util/app 84K 2+Replacing icons with a new one
dropview.lha util/app 37K 2+Adds a WB AppIcon to an application.
FileGizmo.lha util/app 44K 9+*Fixed!* Another Appicon file recogniser
IconAct.lha util/app 58K 3+File Type ID by Life Team
ToolAppIcon.lha util/app 34K 4+AppIcon selecting Tools
ArcExtract1_0.lha util/arc 79K 3+A small util to extract Lha/Lzx files
DzA_1_2.lha util/arc 4K 3+Archives Files using GUI V1.2
IceArc149.lha util/arc 30K 8+IceArc v1.49 - Multi Form (De)Archiver
icearc150.lha util/arc 30K 8+IceArc v1.50 - <NIL: BUGFIX!
MUI_Archiwizer.lha util/arc 79K 2+The MUI multi form (de)archiver.
PackDev1_9.lha util/arc 24K 7+Packs DFx, DHx etc., XPK support, V1.9
Packmaster.lha util/arc 81K 4+GUI for Archivers LHA,LZX,DMS (German)
untgz.lha util/arc 10K 10+Small and efficient tar.gz unarchiver
InfoWindow.lha util/batch 4K 5+Creates a window to report information d
GBCookie.lha util/blank 50K 2+V1.0, Module for GarshneBlanker V3.6
GBLvshuf.lha util/blank 46K 5+V1.2, Module for GarshneBlanker V3.6
GBSnwplt.lha util/blank 45K 5+V1.8, Module for GarshneBlanker V3.6
LotsaBlankers.lha util/blank 66K 2+V1.01 Excellent blankers for Garshne.
madhouse250.lha util/blank 359K 5+Mod. ScrSaver; new features; bugs fixed.
AFR_2225.lha util/boot 199K 9+AFR 2.225 replacement for FileRequester
BangerMenu.lha util/boot 86K 4+Startmenu activate CAPSLock,gfxboard-sup
BetterOpenLibs.lha util/boot 2K 10+Enhances OpenLibrary features
BlizKick.lha util/boot 55K 8+MapROM tool for Blizzard turbos. V1.9.
BootChange.lha util/boot 109K 9+Selects random samples and boot pictures
Bootpic2_2.lha util/boot 32K 7+A Boot program that shows configuration
BootSys20.lha util/boot 297K 6+A Booting System showing a picture with
checkdrive.lha util/boot 3K 8+Reboots if HD not found..
ColdReboot.lha util/boot 1K 5+Reboot the system from ANY screenmode
fastblt.lha util/boot 4K 6+Speed up blitter-wait operations.
FastIPrefs4035.lha util/boot 37K 10+FastIPrefs 40.35 & FastWBPattern 40.06
GetMouseInput.lha util/boot 9K 6+V1.1 - read mouse button state
IfNoDrive.lha util/boot 3K 4+V0.3 - Warn or reboot if drive not prese
KickControl.lha util/boot 22K 7+GUI for softkickers like BlizKick
ksr.lha util/boot 107K 6+Nice reboot program (AGA req.)
LogPass.lha util/boot 7K 3+Protection with logname and password
ModeIDList123.lha util/boot 14K 10+Lists DisplayDatabase entries, V1.23
NewWPA8.lha util/boot 2K 2+Faster chunky output
RainbootConfig.lha util/boot 123K 4+Configs for Rainboot
ReKickReset.lha util/boot 4K 2+Useful tool for ReKick users, v40.2
remcards.lha util/boot 2K 10+Removes PCMCIA stuff from system.
RememberWin.lha util/boot 2K 6+Brings previous window2front on closing
ReqChange.lha util/boot 267K 5+Patch the OS to use ReqTools. V3.13
SetPSM.lha util/boot 2K 7+Set Public screen mode flags
StartupSelectr.lha util/boot 28K 7+Nice way to execute differents Startup-S
SysProt4_01.lha util/boot 73K 5+System Protection V4.01 Preview
UnixDirs3.lha util/boot 17K 7+AmigaDOS improver. Freeware. V2.0
Activity.lha util/cdity 33K 3+Monitor user activity. V2.2
ClipHistory.lha util/cdity 86K 4+A history for the clipboard, V2.4
CRSnap.lha util/cdity 11K 9+Screen snapshot commodity v1.3
CxBar.lha util/cdity 72K 10+A 1-line/row virtgrp ExchangeClone(MUI)
EasyPatch125a.lha util/cdity 65K 4+*The* *Requester* *Destroyer*
FindItGui_121s.lha util/cdity 34K 5+Excellent Finder--BUGFIX!
FindIt_Gui_121.lha util/cdity 86K 5+Excellent Finder--BUGFIX!
HappyDT.lha util/cdity 19K 1+Allow old prog. to use Datatypes
MagicExchangeS.lha util/cdity 2K 8+Swedish (svensk) catalog for Magic-Excha
mcx271.lha util/cdity 62K 2+Multi Function Commodity
mcxp326.lha util/cdity 108K 6+MUI Preferences for MultiCX
mexch118.lha util/cdity 20K 10+The Ultimate Exchange-Replacement
ModePro4_24.lha util/cdity 86K 3+Screenmode Promotion & Public Screen uti
NewViewv1.lha util/cdity 16K 5+AppIcon Commodity for multiple viewers
Opaque2_3.lha util/cdity 167K 2+Opaque window commodity w/ CGFX
PSCalc.lha util/cdity 227K 3+PSCalc Powerful Scientific Calculator
ScreenTab_3_2.lha util/cdity 303K 4+Start-Button, Task-Bar & more !!!
tnav.lha util/cdity 582K 7+Tool`s Navigator V1.2 - Tool Manager
WinSoundv1_2.lha util/cdity 38K 5+Workbench Sound Commodity v1.2
2b_EasyExec11.lha util/cli 27K 5+Very useful tool for executing programs
2b_FileComp10.lha util/cli 22K 7+Compares two files
2b_FindIT11.lha util/cli 53K 5+Searchs for a filename recursively (GUI)
2b_Searcher082.lha util/cli 30K 7+Yet another file-finder
addsem.lha util/cli 16K 4+Create a public semaphore (->Picasso96&C
AKCC.lha util/cli 151K 4+Advanced CLI-Commands for KS V33-40 (7.4
ALeXcompare.lha util/cli 27K 3+Compare files/dirs/trees & display diffe
All.lha util/cli 6K 4+BEST wildcards for commands + Listing ut
ascii.lha util/cli 12K 2+Convert chars into ASCII codes, and vice
BinHex.lha util/cli 17K 8+Use favorite ASCII editor for HEX data V
calc_mw.lha util/cli 45K 8+Calc V1.01 Litlle Calculator for the She
cmp_mw.lha util/cli 52K 8+Cmp V1.43 A powerfull and fast comparepr
DF.lha util/cli 4K 3+Small diskfree, shows free space in byte
DiagnoSYS.lha util/cli 3K 9+Shows system configuration.
E.lha util/cli 2K 4+Execute multiple commands in one line v1
FindMe12_demo.lha util/cli 94K 2+Searches for files containing specific w
FR_Sort.lha util/cli 4K 6+The BEST OF THE BEST sort command v1.1
GCopy.lha util/cli 4K 10+Like AmigaDOS copy, but with progrss bar
IconView.lha util/cli 6K 7+Viewing icons by command from shell
kscResetCop.lha util/cli 1K 4+Restore WB screen *KYZSMLCLXN*
ksc_BrdrBlnk.lha util/cli 1K 4+Turn your screens' borders black! *KYZSM
ksc_CursOff.lha util/cli 1K 4+Remove cli-window cursor *KYZSMLCLXN*
ksc_ExpLoad.lha util/cli 1K 4+Preload explode.library *KYZSMLCLXN*
ksc_Flush.lha util/cli 1K 4+Purge unused stuff from memory *KYZSMLCL
ksc_GrepMem.lha util/cli 5K 4+Grep through memory for strings! *KYZSML
ksc_NoBrdr.lha util/cli 2K 4+Remove borders on CLI window *KYZSMLCLXN
ksc_NoRqust.lha util/cli 1K 4+Toggle Disk Requesters on/off *KYZSMLCLX
ksc_Reset.lha util/cli 2K 4+Eeek! Reset-button! *KYZSMLCLXN*
ksc_RTPal.lha util/cli 1K 4+Popup-palette on frontmost screen *KYZSM
ksc_TotalReset.lha util/cli 1K 4+Wipe out memory *KYZSMLCLXN*
ksc_Wildstar.lha util/cli 2K 4+Turn on '*' matching *KYZSMLCLXN*
Man_mw.lha util/cli 154K 8+Manual V1.21 Online Manual for your Shel
Pause.lha util/cli 13K 2+Wait for RETURN for a certain time
peek_poke.lha util/cli 24K 6+Powerful STRUCTURED Shell PEEK and POKE!
QuickDir.lha util/cli 10K 8+Directory lister. Source code. All Amiga
Randomizer.lha util/cli 10K 5+Generate random numbers for scripts
SBChecker.lha util/cli 2K 9+Small util for The Killing Grounds, help
SBDepack.lha util/cli 3K 6+Utility to depack TKG files ** Bug fix *
ShowIcon.lha util/cli 10K 8+Shows icons from CLI. Any Amiga. V2.1
SplitFile.lha util/cli 13K 8+Distribute a file over several disks, Cl
StripCRLF.lha util/cli 10K 8+Converts all CR+LFs to LFs, Cluster sour
StripHeader.lha util/cli 2K 3+Removes headers from text/email files
StripUmlauts.lha util/cli 10K 8+Convert umlauts in German texts, Cluster
TRTrueMultis.lha util/cli 4K 10+True Multi-Directory Assigns. (1.07)
whatigot.lha util/cli 8K 8+Util to display in detail your Amiga set
ag2hh.lha util/conv 26K 2+AGuide -> HotHelp, *very* fast! (V2.2)
AG2HHnew.lha util/conv 25K 3+AGuide -> HotHelp, *very* fast! (V2.1)
FileConv.lha util/conv 106K 4+Converts PC/Mac Text Files to/from Amiga
LogConvert.lha util/conv 12K 8+LogConvert - THE AmIRC logfile stripper!
StripCodes.lha util/conv 4K 6+V1.7 - strip an ASCII code from file
txt2html.lha util/conv 11K 7+Powerful & Very Fast ASCII to HTML forma
pgpgoesmui.lha util/crypt 49K 8+MUI based GUI for PGP
xfd_pwf.lha util/crypt 13K 7+XFD PassWordFinder
2b_FileLink15.lha util/dir 29K 4+Simply makes links to files/dirs (GUI)
2b_Searcher10D.lha util/dir 31K 5+Yet another file-finder
AmyTree170.lha util/dir 135K 8+Graphics Tree FS Browser for CD/HD
Browse.lha util/dir 4K 6+V1.3 of ASL file browser. Fast, small.
DiskMaster.lha util/dir 81K 2+DiskMaster 2.2b9 and DM2.guide 0.37
dosxs.lha util/dir 212K 2+DosXS V2.401, german FileManager
Execom13.lha util/dir 30K 6+An option to "Execute Command.." in WB!
Filer4_03.lha util/dir 240K 5+Directory Utility for OS 2.04+
Find.lha util/dir 4K 2+File Finder (custom output and search)
MegaCD.lha util/dir 103K 6+Amigaguide Filemanager To Explore Your C
MTool_nl.lha util/dir 8K 8+Dutch catalog files for MTool and MFind
ro1_25.lha util/dir 9K 7+Czech catalog for disk manager RO_v1.25
RO_v126.lha util/dir 338K 3+MUI-Based FileManager
simplefind.lha util/dir 38K 3+V1.1 of the FileFinder (with Indexfiles)
AHI_SoundDT.lha util/dtype 12K 3+AHI patch for OS 3.1 sound.datatype
akJFIF43x.lha util/dtype 212K 6+AkJFIF-dt V43.50 (JPEG, 68000-060)
akLJPG43x.lha util/dtype 95K 2+AkLJPG-dt V43.60 (LJPG, 68000-060)
akPNG43x.lha util/dtype 202K 3+AkPNG-dt V43.60 (PNG, 68000-060)
akPrefs.lha util/dtype 29K 10+Ak-Datatypes Prefs, V43.31
akSVG43x.lha util/dtype 76K 6+AkSVG-dt V43.50 (SVG, 68000-060)
animdtc018.lha util/dtype 47K 2+IFF ANIM DataType V1.8, now supports sav
drawpicdtc011.lha util/dtype 18K 2+Picture.datatype image patch. V1.1
dt_metaview.lha util/dtype 6K 3+AMF,DR2D,DXF,WMF,XFIG DataTypes for Meta
infodt391_upd.lha util/dtype 2K 5+DataType for Amiga .info files
MacPict2_dtc.lha util/dtype 76K 8+Datatype for Macintosh PICT2 pictures
markabletextdt.lha util/dtype 17K 10+Text.datatype mark patch. V1.3
marktextdtc014.lha util/dtype 19K 8+Text.datatype mark patch. V1.4
panimdtcptch12.lha util/dtype 13K 8+Animation.dtc patch for parallel anims.
ProtrackerDT.lha util/dtype 5K 3+Protracker datatype (AHI)
SoundDT.lha util/dtype 17K 4+New sound.datatype w/fixes for OS3.0
sundtype.lha util/dtype 16K 10+Datatype for Sun Raster images, V 43.1
targadtype.lha util/dtype 18K 10+Datatype for Targa or TGA images, V 43.1
board212.lha util/libs 21K 1+Boards.library V 2.12 - 355 Expansion bo
DigNet.lha util/libs 142K 8+Easy(tm) ser network handle for progs+
DigNetUPD.lha util/libs 19K 6+Update dignet.library to 3.03
DigNet_2_1.lha util/libs 22K 8+Easy ser network handle for games/progs
dtypeslib452.lha util/libs 130K 5+New datatypes.library, V45.2
famel400.lha util/libs 41K 6+Public shared function library, V4.00.
Identify.lha util/libs 113K 2+ListExp, identifies expansions and more
MaxonPLP_L120.lha util/libs 164K 7+MaxonPLP-Librarys V1.20
mui38pl.lha util/libs 8K 8+MUI 3.8 - PL version by WFMH LocalePL (u
pmuser.lha util/libs 10K 2+Popup Menu Library
pplib020.lha util/libs 5K 6+Powerpacker.library 68020+ version
toclib12.lha util/libs 10K 10+Toccata.library V 12.0
1230ScsiFix16b.lha util/misc 3K 2+Fixes SCSI problems with Blizzard 1230/I
ACode1_0.lha util/misc 18K 3+USA Area Code Directory.
AssignerPro.lha util/misc 30K 7+A utility for assign disk and create scr
AU.lha util/misc 0K 6+Aminet Upload Script
BSS_ListDIZ.lha util/misc 170K 10+The BEST File_id.diz list creator. V1.07
Deniil715Pack.lha util/misc 252K 6+A handfull programs by Deniil 715!
DOSPrefs31.lha util/misc 30K 3+.,.. dirs, noclick, enable * wildcard
EuraToolsDocs.lha util/misc 175K 4+EuraTools DVI and PostScript Docs, Rel.
Eura_Tools.lha util/misc 192K 4+EuraConfig and EuraCall, Rel. 2
Ex210Fix.lha util/misc 45K 6+A small fix for Executive V2.10
Executive.lha util/misc 1.2M 6+UNIX-like process scheduler (V2.10)
ExtLister_18.lha util/misc 280K 5+Search & list .ext files in AmigaGuide.
file.lha util/misc 23K 3+File recognition util
filecutter.lha util/misc 27K 3+File cutter
FileTester.lha util/misc 38K 5+Recognize some amiga file formats.
fortunes.lha util/misc 241K 3+4600 cookies!
gpatch.lha util/misc 22K 1+Patch system for program updates
Gurustatistix.lha util/misc 11K 4+Analyses the Guruhistory of MCP /with lo
IndexCD.lha util/misc 111K 2+Replacement for FindKit of Aminet CD-ROM
irslave.lha util/misc 122K 5+Control your Amiga w/ a remote contr.
IRT.lha util/misc 43K 3+Icon Replacement Tool by Life Team
itacats.lha util/misc 286K 5+Set of italian catalogs, v1.5
JoinSpliter11.lha util/misc 21K 5+A very good join- and splitprogram!
libcheck.lha util/misc 2K 8+Library version checking util.
LockupV4_3.lha util/misc 73K 2+Prevents Access to your hard drive with
Majordome_20.lha util/misc 418K 3+Control your home plugs and keep an eye
MakeSuperDisk.lha util/misc 7K 5+V1.6, Makes SuperKickstart disks from RO
MTM.lha util/misc 8K 6+Move files in DL to local Aminet mirror
ndex.lha util/misc 5K 3+Script file to create amigaguide index o
OneEnter.lha util/misc 4K 5+Enter behaves like Return for IBrowse 1.
PalDeckV0_3.lha util/misc 3K 3+A Small Palette Program done in CanDo
pktype.lha util/misc 2K 7+PKType V1.0 small type utility
PowerWindows.lha util/misc 187K 2+V0.9.5:Iconify + move Windows out of Scr
PW_Recent.lha util/misc 54K 8+4.00 : INDEX -> Text/Guide/HTML/DBase (M
QuitPowerCache.lha util/misc 1K 7+Rexx script to quit from PowerCache
Reboot017.lha util/misc 24K 7+Reboot utility. V1.7
Recentify.lha util/misc 11K 8+Powerfull Aminet Index creator !!!!!
reminder111.lha util/misc 27K 6+Remindes you about whatever you want..
selector52.lha util/misc 151K 2+The script based launching tool.
SGrabber.lha util/misc 34K 3+Powerfull Screen Grabber by Life Team
SIW.lha util/misc 87K 3+V2.1: Watch/remote ctrl a scr in a win.
SndOff.lha util/misc 29K 3+A simple sound player.
SplitIndex.lha util/misc 2K 8+Aminet INDEX Split and Filter Utility
Stopper1_0.lha util/misc 74K 2+Stopper v1.0 -> short program to count t
TB3_4.lha util/misc 150K 10+Stores telephone numbers and addresses e
tottogol.lha util/misc 74K 4+Italian program for Totogol
VWM14.lha util/misc 34K 7+Opens ANY window in user-defined pos.
A2000_040.lha util/moni 2K 4+AIBB Module for A2000 with Blizzard 040
AmigaLoad.lha util/moni 175K 2+Display CPULoad/Mem/... on WB, MCI, LED
CPUspeed.lha util/moni 5K 9+Get da speed of your CPU!(68000 bug fix)
mem1_6.lha util/moni 13K 5+Memory viewer/editor with search functio
sersnoop.lha util/moni 19K 10+Serial device snooper
SIP.lha util/moni 33K 4+System Information Program - Monitor V3.
stu.lha util/moni 55K 4+System Test Utility Version 8.0
SysInspector11.lha util/moni 114K 5+SysInspector 1.1 - A new system monitor
Xoper27.lha util/moni 101K 9+A powerful system monitor
2b_UnpackU11.lha util/pack 58K 5+Program to unpacking files packed with v
BlitzDms.lha util/pack 169K 8+Fontsensitive DMS/DSQ App-Window
GSMToast.lha util/pack 88K 9+GSM 06.10 audio codec
xfd117.lha util/pack 137K 5+Decrunch almost every packed file (exe/d
2b_AmigaE_BED.lha util/rexx 18K 7+Blacks Editor AmigaE ARexx macros and de
DGen2HTML.lha util/rexx 30K 3+V2.04 Makes HTML Pages from SCION DBase
DSMiscRexx.lha util/rexx 524K 9+Some simple scripts for DrawStudio
LM2xxx.lha util/rexx 7K 3+HTML/LaTeX for LigaManger
MOOS.lha util/rexx 160K 7+MOOS, The ARexx library.
MS2LW.lha util/rexx 5K 8+Arexx script "Lightwave to MovieShop."
rexxdossup_upd.lha util/rexx 0K 10+V3.5 update information about rexxdossup
savetime.lha util/rexx 3K 5+Miami script to save the ntp time - 1.1
Scion2html.lha util/rexx 27K 6+WWW HTML's from Scion Genealogy dbs's
SendED.lha util/rexx 2K 2+Opens Editor on FinalWriter-PubScreen
WarpsArexx.lha util/rexx 17K 6+Warp's Arexx pack (>20 scripts!)
YARSelector.lha util/rexx 4K 6+WB-Pic random selector (shows really all
Pause.lha util/shell 13K 2+Wait for RETURN for a certain time
ViNCEd.lha util/shell 287K 4+The final CON: solution, ^Z, XTerm, Intu
AddDataTyps451.lha util/sys 37K 5+New AddDataTypes, V45.1
AGPatch_1_0.lha util/sys 2K 4+Fix AmigaGuide v40 to show older guides
BangerDefDisk.lha util/sys 6K 4+All system assigns will be do
DateF.lha util/sys 18K 5+DateF V1.0 - a french date command
Dr_20.lha util/sys 61K 9+Sophisticated directory listing command
DVC.lha util/sys 26K 8+System update util, v2.0
info.lha util/sys 10K 5+AmigaDOS info command replacement (39.3)
MatchV2_1.lha util/sys 19K 4+Matches strings in ANY text file (X-plat
Password_v315.lha util/sys 54K 3+Password Protection System
rmw02.lha util/sys 3K 9+Displays free memory, Requires kick 2.04
SerialPrefs26.lha util/sys 60K 7+V2.6 - Extended Serial Preferences for W
SerPrefs.lha util/sys 19K 7+Improved Serial Prefs util, v1.0
sort1_70.lha util/sys 62K 6+Sorts ASCII-Files, FAAAAST, many differe
StringSnip.lha util/sys 4K 10+Better editing features in string gadget
VersionWB.lha util/sys 26K 5+V2.5a AmigaDos Version replacement.
wipe.lha util/sys 6K 10+Wipe - securer deleting V1.0
2000.lha util/time 6K 3+Countdown to year 2000 & 3rd Millennium
2000counter.lha util/time 21K 4+Countdown timer until the next millenniu
AFF27bSupport.lha util/time 134K 3+Samples and HTML doc for AFiloFaxPro27b
AFiloFaxPro27b.lha util/time 193K 3+Manages your daily life! (MUI/German)
Alarm.lha util/time 3K 4+Alarm v1.0 - Alarm clock
clock2000.lha util/time 3K 9+Shows how long it is 'til year 2000.
clockdaemon.lha util/time 11K 5+V1.8: hardware clock at GMT util with SA
Daywatch.lha util/time 146K 3+Powerful MUI calendar & reminder.
DigiKlok.lha util/time 6K 8+Digital Clock v3, resizeable, any Amiga
DRemind111.lha util/time 28K 5+Reminds you about whatever you want..
EZCron.lha util/time 120K 2+V2.20 Start programs/reminders automatic
HBD2727.lha util/time 53K 3+Update 2727 of the TimeCalc HistoBase
ScreenClock.lha util/time 63K 10+2.1:date/time/mem/cpu in curr screenbar
SkandalfoClock.lha util/time 106K 9+Advanced Analog Clock (New catalogs)
time_ma.lha util/time 6K 9+Measure command execution times, v1.5
zeller.lha util/time 18K 3+Perpetual calendar
AntiBeol_13.lha util/virus 8K 7+Mem viruskiller for the new Packetviruse
trsivw65.lha util/virus 609K 5 V6.5 of the AMIGA viruskiller by M.Schma
VirusZ_II137.lha util/virus 188K 5+VirusZ v1.37 by Georg Hoermann
xtruder34.lha util/virus 436K 2+Virus killer with extensive checking cap
2b_AddIcon151.lha util/wb 24K 5+Adds icons to files, drawers and devices
asi20.lha util/wb 56K 4+Drag & Drop dearchiver and unpacker
BackDrops.lha util/wb 641K 2+Choice image files for use w/ BackDrop
background.lha util/wb 133K 3+Program similar to NickPrefs
clvrwin.lha util/wb 9K 3+Always smart refreshed windows (39.2)
dl2.lha util/wb 8K 9+Displays the File Type and File Size usi
EagleWB.lha util/wb 237K 7+Eagle pic, 800x600x256, a great WB Backd
EMenuBar.lha util/wb 37K 3+WB program starter (German only), Sorry!
ExtenMana1_1.lha util/wb 45K 5+Macintosh style Extensions Manager V1.1
ExtMan.lha util/wb 129K 2+ExtMan V1.11 THE Amiga Extension Manager
FrontEnd1_3_It.lha util/wb 13K 1+Italian translation of FrontEnd 1.3
F_BenchV1_0.lha util/wb 90K 10+Files and Programs maganer for Amiga wit
GetIcon.lha util/wb 37K 3+A powerful Icon-Adder, FreeWare, formerl
IRTcatd.lha util/wb 5K 1+German .catalog and .guide for IRT 1.50
lupe.lha util/wb 126K 3+The magnifying glass program
MoreTools.lha util/wb 5K 2+Adds items to the 'tools' menu
MUImem.lha util/wb 9K 1+Shows how much memory is available (uses
NamnsDag.lha util/wb 28K 4+Swedish tool for "Nannsdagar".
NoIconBorder.lha util/wb 2K 6+Removes borders from icons
OutlineFontUpd.lha util/wb 21K 8+Draws an outline on your Workbench icon
PiCs.lha util/wb 3K 5+View Packed Files using GUI V1.1
PowerIcons.lha util/wb 13K 2+Removes Border around Icons when draggin
ReKeyIt_Ital.lha util/wb 6K 2+Italian Catalog for ReKeyIt 2.4a
Searcher.lha util/wb 100K 3+BEST File Finder by Life Team
shitstrip12b.lha util/wb 117K 8+Removes BBS Adds and repacks LHA/LZX Arc
siWB.lha util/wb 61K 6+Slovene translation of Workbench
SomeInfo.lha util/wb 9K 8+Gives you some system info. Any Amiga OS
SWBP.lha util/wb 4K 6+CLI tool which sets No. of colors on WB
TaskManager_11.lha util/wb 54K 3+A little CLI Process Manager proggy V1.1
TM30_PopMCCs.lha util/wb 28K 6+Pop*.mcc update for Toolmanager 3.0
ToolManagerLoc.lha util/wb 175K 3+ToolManager - localization (V3.0 Rel #2)
Variator.lha util/wb 9K 8+Converts numbers between bases. Any OS.
wait11.lha util/wb 14K 4+Wait replacement with progressbar
wbstars2.lha util/wb 62K 6+(beta 3) Snow falling in the Workbench's
WindowChange.lha util/wb 23K 6+Very Useful Tool For Your WorkBench